There are two different parts of our dataset. First there are the the raw datalogs containing all the raw sensor data. Our software setup utilizes the Robot Operating System (ROS). Therefore the data is saved as ROS bagfiles. The data of each of the sensors is saved as messages, each on its own topic. Additionally we provide annotated hyperspectral data-cubes which where extracted and preprocessed from the rosbags in the form of matlab-files.
When playing the bagfiles all messages are going to be republished, while ROS adapts the old system time, so your software is able to simulate a live application.
To use these files first the ROS Middelware has to be installed. All messages published are standard ROS messages. So no additional software is needed. Then just use the following commands to play back the bagfiles.
Terminal 1:
user@system:~$ roscore
Terminal 2:
user@system:~$ cd /path/to/downloaded/bagfiles/ user@system:~$ rosbag play --clock -r 1.0 bagfile_name.bag
For the HyKo1 dataset the following sensors were mounted on a car:
- 1 Hyperspectral Camera MQ022HG-IM-SM4X4-VIS with LM5JC10M lens
- 1 Hyperspectral Camera MQ022HG-IM-SM5X5-NIR with VIS-NIR lens from Edmund Optics
- 1 Basler Camera acA2040-25gc with LM6HC lens.
- 1 Lidar Veldoyne HDL-32E LiDAR
- 1 Spectrometer Qmini
The rosbags were splitted every 30 seconds to keep them small and handy.
Here is a sample output of rosbag info:
types: qmini_rosnode/Spectrum [88383658b37a575733e4b2310594a823] sensor_msgs/CameraInfo [c9a58c1b0b154e0e6da7578cb991d214] sensor_msgs/Image [060021388200f6f0f447d0fcd9c64743] sensor_msgs/NavSatFix [2d3a8cd499b9b4a0249fb98fd05cfa48] velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan [50804fc9533a0e579e6322c04ae70566] topics: /camera/basler_camera/camera_info 148 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera/basler_camera/image_raw 148 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /fix 29 msgs : sensor_msgs/NavSatFix /nir_cam/camera_info 149 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /nir_cam/image 149 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /qmini_spectra 15 msgs : qmini_rosnode/Spectrum /velodyne_packets 298 msgs : velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan vis_cam/camera_info 149 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo vis_cam/image 149 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image
For the HyKo2 dataset the following sensors were mounted on a truck:
- 1 Hyperspectral Camera MQ022HG-IM-SM4X4-VIS with LM5JC10M lens
- 1 Hyperspectral Camera MQ022HG-IM-SM5X5-NIR with VIS-NIR lens from Edmund Optics
- 2 Lidar Veldoyne HDL-32E LiDAR
- 1 Spectrometer Qmini
The rosbags were splitted every 60 seconds to keep them small and handy.
Here is a sample output of rosbag info:
types: qmini_rosnode/Spectrum [abfeda1c25189e1c164e3d6f4938e186] sensor_msgs/CameraInfo [c9a58c1b0b154e0e6da7578cb991d214] sensor_msgs/Image [060021388200f6f0f447d0fcd9c64743] velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan [50804fc9533a0e579e6322c04ae70566] topics: /nir_cam/camera_info 600 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /nir_cam/image 600 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /qmini_spectra 210 msgs : qmini_rosnode/Spectrum /velodyne_packets1 599 msgs : velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan /velodyne_packets2 599 msgs : velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan /vis_cam/camera_info 600 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /vis_cam/image 600 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image