English: On October 5, an interview with Harald von Korflesch was published on the blog of the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economics, drawing attention to the “StAfrica – Startup Germany-Africa” project. We hope to get in contact with other entrepreneurs interested in founding a company in Rwanda or to inspire some of them for the African country. The article is called “Rwanda and Rhineland-Palatinate: a new level of cooperation” and can be read under the following link (interview in English below, in German follow the link): https://www.rlp-international.de/blog/ruanda-und-rheinland-pfalz-eine-neue-ebene-der-zusammenarbeit/
Deutsch: Am 5. Oktober erschien auf dem Blog des rheinland-pfälzischen Wirtschaftsministeriums ein Interview mit Harald von Korflesch, mit dem auf das Projekt „StAfrica – Startup Germany-Africa“ landesweit aufmerksam gemacht wurde. Wir hoffen, dadurch mit weiteren Unternehmer*innen, die an Gründungen in Ruanda interessiert sind, in Kontakt zu treten oder den ein oder anderen für das afrikanische Land zu begeistern. Der Beitrag heißt „Ruanda und Rheinland-Pfalz: eine neue Ebene der Zusammenarbeit“ und ist unter folgendem Link nachzulesen: https://www.rlp-international.de/blog/ruanda-und-rheinland-pfalz-eine-neue-ebene-der-zusammenarbeit/

Rwanda and Rhineland-Palatinate: a new level of cooperation
With its above-average economic growth in recent years, Rwanda is one of Africa’s emerging countries. The Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economics countered this trend with a business representation that started 4 years ago. It promotes economic cooperation between the two countries.
This is also the aim of a new project: a foundation-related continental bridge between Germany and Africa.
We will discuss the details with Prof. Dr. Harald von Korflesch, founder and director of the Central Institute for Scientific Entrepreneurship and International Transfer (ZIFET) at the University of Koblenz-Landau.
RLP-INT: First of all, can you introduce us to the idea behind the new project?
Prof. von Korflesch: Specifically, the project partners will work to increase the attractiveness of Germany as a location for African start-ups, while at the same time sensitizing German start-ups to market entry in Africa and making it easier. In this way, the project, which is incidentally funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, takes account of Africa’s growing economic importance.
RLP-INT: Who benefits from the project called “StArfrica – Startup Germany-Africa”?
Prof. von Korflesch: In the sense of a ‘triple win’, we can achieve positive effects for the German economy, promising economic effects for Rwanda, and finally advantages for the founding teams involved in both countries over the four-year term. Information on the relevant markets and contacts will also be provided and an exchange between companies in Germany and Rwanda will be promoted.
RLP-INT: Finally, which interested entrepreneurs from Rhineland-Palatinate can contact you?
Prof. von Korflesch: Everyone is indeed addressed here. We see ourselves as door openers and develop tailor-made solutions. Rwanda makes it easy for us to enter the market: Low bureaucratic hurdles, special tax incentives for foreign direct investments and the possibility to try out business models in Rwanda for whole Africa make Rwanda very attractive for German start-ups.